2017 - Volume #BFS, Issue #17, Page #96
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Promising NEW Bird Repellent Tested in Dairy Barns
Avian Control® Bird Repellent, is the
leading non-lethal bird repellent in the U.S.
fruit and vegetable growers market. With
word of its success growing, dairymen told
Avian Enterprises, LLC, the owner of Avian
Control®, that the dairy industry was in
desperate need of a field tested and proven,
EPA registered, bird repellent.
According to the United States Department
of Agriculture, Wildlife Services:
Birds of many species congregate at dairies
and feedlots, especially during winter
months. Birds consume and contaminate
livestock feed with dual impact, reducing
milk production and increasing feed and
medical costs. For example, 1,000 starlings
can eat up to 40 pounds of food per day.
Because birds concentrate on the high
protein portion of dairy cow feed, they
deprive cows of proper nutrition, resulting
in decreased milk production. Additionally,
bird droppings in feed and water can
transmit harmful diseases and reduce feed consumption.

In late 2015, dairymen began using Avian
Control® to successfully control problem
birds. Typical applications included spraying
or misting the feed aisle, feed bunkers and
upper areas of the barns where birds perch.
At the same time, The Ohio State
University Extension Service invited
Avian Enterprises, LLC to participate in
a study to determine the effectiveness of
using an automated time-release misting
system to apply Avian Control® Bird
Repellent in a large-scale dairy barn
The success of automated time-release
misting of repellent, as reported by The
Ohio State University Extension Service (see
below), motivated Avian Enterprises, LLC
to introduce a new time- release metered
aerosol spray system, Avian Fog Force™
TR, as a lower cost alternative to fixed
location automated misting machines. This
revolutionary version of Avian Control® Bird
Repellent is dispensed at predetermined
times during daylight hours from aerosol
cans mounted in programmable spray
dispensers that can be placed throughout the
diary barn. Avian Fog Force™ TR is easy to
use, affordable and will repel birds even in
the largest dairy barn
operations according to
Avian Enterprises, LLC
Executive Vice
President, Steven
Avian Fog Force™ TR
will be available in
late fall in time for the
2016/2017 winter dairy
barn season according
to company officials

Contact: FARM SHOW Follow-up,
Jon Stone, Avian Enterprises, LLC,
2000 Pontiac Dr., Sylvan Lake, MI 48320
888-707-4355; www.aviancontrol.com or
email: sales@aviancontrol.com

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2017 - Volume #BFS, Issue #17